So if you're still going to THIS blog.
New Url:
NRK = Nobody Really Knows.
not Nada Rec Krew.
This is the last post on this here blog.......
.....................Fuck You.
- JQ
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Party in L5P
We'll be there
I'll be there
It should be bangin'
Hope we can perform
But atleast we got something
-Gloomy the Bear
We'll be there
I'll be there
It should be bangin'
Hope we can perform
But atleast we got something
-Gloomy the Bear
Darth Bano Mixtape By NinjaSonik
Its out
Yall ready?
well go download
-Gloomy the Bear
Yall ready?
well go download
-Gloomy the Bear
The 2009 School year
The start of the 2009 school is going slow
but soon we will be known atleast by somepeople
but we are on our way
-Gloomy the Bear
but soon we will be known atleast by somepeople
but we are on our way
-Gloomy the Bear
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
im go ahead and get in my last blog from this site you will ever see so ..... myspace sucks twitter sucks and facebook sucks ...thats why i deleted my's so dont even try to message me i block everyone ...dont call im not pick it up just txt or email and i might get back to you the internet today is cheazy ass hell niggas just dont under stand ... and they said i diddnt want it enought so the cut it down how the fuck did i not want it i wrote to alll the songs but ..its to late im done withe the vocal part of music thears to many ass wholes..cough cough comment .
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
we should get someone to do the goodwill promo cover like this
not that exact picture. but like of us and the goodwill sign.
SO-ME? eh buddy? lol
anyone? lol
make it happen choppy chop
Goodwill promo track list (NOT FINAL)
not in order
main songs:
super smash bros brawl (kc, proper, deshay?)
beyond the stars (proper, ?, ?)
johnny's thoughts (kc)
paradise (proper, ?, ?)
mario kart (proper, ?, ?)
ann hur (waiting for kc's verse)
you can do it too? (?,?,?,?)
shellsuit (retro, proper, ?)
goodmorning (?,?,?,proper)
still dont know (?,?,?,?)
drive slow (p.flim, retro)
once again (retro, jq, kc)
anti everygirl? (?,?,?,?)
burnt vanilla nudie poles and rocky roads interlude (proper)
bump rmx?
aumbiionce outro
bonus/hidden songs:
sector 3 diary part 1 (proper)
sector 3 diary part 2 (proper)
sector 3 diary part 3 (proper)
sneak chamber?
mindreader (KC)
eyes closed?
year interlude
nostalgia (proper, ?)
good? it'll prolly change a bit. and as you see we have a lot of open spots, and songs to pick still. whoever wants a solo song can have it too
oh, and be on the look out for JQ's WHAT CAN I SAY VIDEO ft. KC 2.0 (out sometime this month or next month)
main songs:
super smash bros brawl (kc, proper, deshay?)
beyond the stars (proper, ?, ?)
johnny's thoughts (kc)
paradise (proper, ?, ?)
mario kart (proper, ?, ?)
ann hur (waiting for kc's verse)
you can do it too? (?,?,?,?)
shellsuit (retro, proper, ?)
goodmorning (?,?,?,proper)
still dont know (?,?,?,?)
drive slow (p.flim, retro)
once again (retro, jq, kc)
anti everygirl? (?,?,?,?)
burnt vanilla nudie poles and rocky roads interlude (proper)
bump rmx?
aumbiionce outro
bonus/hidden songs:
sector 3 diary part 1 (proper)
sector 3 diary part 2 (proper)
sector 3 diary part 3 (proper)
sneak chamber?
mindreader (KC)
eyes closed?
year interlude
nostalgia (proper, ?)
good? it'll prolly change a bit. and as you see we have a lot of open spots, and songs to pick still. whoever wants a solo song can have it too
oh, and be on the look out for JQ's WHAT CAN I SAY VIDEO ft. KC 2.0 (out sometime this month or next month)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
be on the look out for JQ's Quite the Contrary mixtape......twill be epic. should be out at the same time or before the goodwill promo mixtape
ps. i jailbroke my ipod :)
ps. i jailbroke my ipod :)
Donell Proper's Japanese Homestay Diary
June 28
Today was pretty good. But i drunk something tht taisted and looked like cigarette ash juice lol ( was tea. Wtf? Nasty as hell but i got used to it). The noodles were rly good tho. But The coolest part was that they were listening to will smith krsone and a tribe called quest when i got back from the bonzai musiem. And our guide at the musium was german....europeans are dope lol. Going to harajuku in a bit.
Lots of weird but fine japanese girls. Few european and american looking women too. Its really crowded. Lots of places have upstairs and downstars. Subway had two floors. And damn Shit is expencive here. Hella stuff is like bbc/bape price in the states. Also the cell phones are a wee bit on the bulky side. But the screens are HUGE and they can do alot. The bape store was amazing. So were swagger and phonominon but they were really ecpensive. Soooo ahead of their time. The store was set up like a studio in some places. Oh and the bbc/icecream store was dope too. It wasreally small. The dressing room and stock room in the bbc store were uber 2035. Hidden fuckin doors! Also on TAKESHITI (i think that was what it was called) street (right off subway, before harajuku st.) there was another black dude.....burnt black lol. Anyway he was tryna hustle some evisu shorts. Not my style but i cant knock the hustle lol.
However on the train back. A couple was laughing at something. I hate not knowing if people are laughing at me or not. It really gets too me. "it grinds my gears" per say. And......umm it was really really cold and rainy. Which brings be to the topic of stores. Japan has umvrella bags or umbrella holders at the front of each store. Which is amazing...oh and i WILL buy a nissan cube. I go to Yuto's school tomorrow...muy muy muy nervouso. Oh one more thing the guy who checked me out in the bbc icecream store had rockin jellybean tattoos and wealth is of the mind not the pocket on his arm. Crazy. But koo...kakui
Learned some japanese from Yuto's grandma. His moms brother visited (tshirt designer). Also we ate sushi with wasabi sauce (sushi was great. Wasabi uhhh not so much lol) and they had a thing that cooked food sat up on the table where we all ate around on the floor
June 29
Walk to school. Wasnt very far tho. Met prencipal i think and english and p.e. Teacher. Presentation later. Lol. NOW WEARING WABAKI lol. Oh meeting with yuto's unkle later.
School was dope. The students (expecially the girls) were nice. I felt famous. Just a taste of the good life. Eh? Lol. I went to p.e. And played basket ball. They gave me changing clothes (shoes socks shirt shorts) the shirt was an xl tho lol. The gym uniforms were dope. When we got back to class the girls had just come back from swimming.... Wet hair = niiiiice! Lol.....but too young. Anyway lunch was good. We had chicken with rice. Milk. And watermelon. After i went to play soccer with a few students. They liked my earings lol. It was fun. The dress code is slightly relaxed after (no tucked shirt. Keep shorts if you like) oh btw. I followed the dresscode and took out my earings. Oh. Next was math class i think. I fell asleep along with some other people.......just like home lol. I got to leave early to go to yutos grandmothers house. I got a flute, we wslked to the store, and i taught her a wee bit of english. Then me, yutos little bro
and little sis played baseball at the park (note: no driving what so ever today. All walking)
The screen printing shop was super kakui. Everyone was nice and had style. I saw how to print by hand and by machine. The designs were pretty good. I got a jacket and a hat as a gift. Note to self: look for screen printing job :) back with PTP tomorrow. Then tokyo for 3 more days. Bummer that everyone wont get to see the bape store. I hope we pass a.p.c. So i can get some petit standards. Ill ask naoko....cus i need those lol
Donell Proper Signing off...
Wait.... June 30
For some reason this morning and last night i got really inspired at wrote like 6 verses....yes 6. One of them scared me. That one and another are story-ish. Ill try to write more today
Signing off foreal this time......d. Proper
Sent from my iPod
note: video Diary and pictures up later on NRK TV and facebook (later as in idk when, lol)
Today was pretty good. But i drunk something tht taisted and looked like cigarette ash juice lol ( was tea. Wtf? Nasty as hell but i got used to it). The noodles were rly good tho. But The coolest part was that they were listening to will smith krsone and a tribe called quest when i got back from the bonzai musiem. And our guide at the musium was german....europeans are dope lol. Going to harajuku in a bit.
Lots of weird but fine japanese girls. Few european and american looking women too. Its really crowded. Lots of places have upstairs and downstars. Subway had two floors. And damn Shit is expencive here. Hella stuff is like bbc/bape price in the states. Also the cell phones are a wee bit on the bulky side. But the screens are HUGE and they can do alot. The bape store was amazing. So were swagger and phonominon but they were really ecpensive. Soooo ahead of their time. The store was set up like a studio in some places. Oh and the bbc/icecream store was dope too. It wasreally small. The dressing room and stock room in the bbc store were uber 2035. Hidden fuckin doors! Also on TAKESHITI (i think that was what it was called) street (right off subway, before harajuku st.) there was another black dude.....burnt black lol. Anyway he was tryna hustle some evisu shorts. Not my style but i cant knock the hustle lol.
However on the train back. A couple was laughing at something. I hate not knowing if people are laughing at me or not. It really gets too me. "it grinds my gears" per say. And......umm it was really really cold and rainy. Which brings be to the topic of stores. Japan has umvrella bags or umbrella holders at the front of each store. Which is amazing...oh and i WILL buy a nissan cube. I go to Yuto's school tomorrow...muy muy muy nervouso. Oh one more thing the guy who checked me out in the bbc icecream store had rockin jellybean tattoos and wealth is of the mind not the pocket on his arm. Crazy. But koo...kakui
Learned some japanese from Yuto's grandma. His moms brother visited (tshirt designer). Also we ate sushi with wasabi sauce (sushi was great. Wasabi uhhh not so much lol) and they had a thing that cooked food sat up on the table where we all ate around on the floor
June 29
Walk to school. Wasnt very far tho. Met prencipal i think and english and p.e. Teacher. Presentation later. Lol. NOW WEARING WABAKI lol. Oh meeting with yuto's unkle later.
School was dope. The students (expecially the girls) were nice. I felt famous. Just a taste of the good life. Eh? Lol. I went to p.e. And played basket ball. They gave me changing clothes (shoes socks shirt shorts) the shirt was an xl tho lol. The gym uniforms were dope. When we got back to class the girls had just come back from swimming.... Wet hair = niiiiice! Lol.....but too young. Anyway lunch was good. We had chicken with rice. Milk. And watermelon. After i went to play soccer with a few students. They liked my earings lol. It was fun. The dress code is slightly relaxed after (no tucked shirt. Keep shorts if you like) oh btw. I followed the dresscode and took out my earings. Oh. Next was math class i think. I fell asleep along with some other people.......just like home lol. I got to leave early to go to yutos grandmothers house. I got a flute, we wslked to the store, and i taught her a wee bit of english. Then me, yutos little bro
and little sis played baseball at the park (note: no driving what so ever today. All walking)
The screen printing shop was super kakui. Everyone was nice and had style. I saw how to print by hand and by machine. The designs were pretty good. I got a jacket and a hat as a gift. Note to self: look for screen printing job :) back with PTP tomorrow. Then tokyo for 3 more days. Bummer that everyone wont get to see the bape store. I hope we pass a.p.c. So i can get some petit standards. Ill ask naoko....cus i need those lol
Donell Proper Signing off...
Wait.... June 30
For some reason this morning and last night i got really inspired at wrote like 6 verses....yes 6. One of them scared me. That one and another are story-ish. Ill try to write more today
Signing off foreal this time......d. Proper
Sent from my iPod
note: video Diary and pictures up later on NRK TV and facebook (later as in idk when, lol)
star trekkin
i know posts on hear have been rare. and we really need to get refocused. so in spirit of that, the goodwill mixtape (promo. the main release, entirely made by us, "goodwill" will be out later) anyway, the mixtape will be out early august. containing songs we did over beats other than ours, and like 5 or 6 actually made by us, and lots of hidden and bonus surprises. then i say we push the shit out of that mixtape. it'll be on dat piff and EVERYWHERE on th internet, and we use that as means of builing a bigger fan base. alwo we need ppl that are good with media/photography/design to just chill with, not EVERYONE in nrk has to be a musician. so umm, we'll keep you updated. follow us on twitter.
...tyler doesnt tweet
...tyler doesnt tweet
Friday, July 3, 2009
Yo NRK, i gots an idear.
Young Money - Every Girl instrumental
BUT, we talk about how we DON'T wanna fuck every girl in the world, cuz of aids, syphilis and other std shit.
and maybe cuz some girls are fat and ugly as fuck.
and be creative with it.
i think with some effort, we could make it funny as hell, but dope at the same time
yes? no?
- JQ
BUT, we talk about how we DON'T wanna fuck every girl in the world, cuz of aids, syphilis and other std shit.
and maybe cuz some girls are fat and ugly as fuck.
and be creative with it.
i think with some effort, we could make it funny as hell, but dope at the same time
yes? no?
- JQ
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
we really havent posted on here in a long ass time
sorry abt that. weve been twittering and shit, lol. but umm yea. goodwill. is coming along really good, idk how many songs it'll be, but i doubt there'll be a promo or atleast a full one. but half of goodwill will be the next demo, and the rest of it will be extra songs we just wanted to do. nothing really obvious changed. but anyway ive been listening to ALOT of Company of Thieves. i LOVE the lead singer's voice, lol. almost as much as Sia's. but speaking of them
Who I would most appriciate working with, and will eventually:
- Sia
- Vanessa Marquez
- Company of Theives
- Incubus
- Amy winehouse
- Machinedrum
- Melo-x
- Nikki Ntu
- Louis Vuitton
- Hedi Slimane
- Jesse Boykins III
- Theophilus London
- Chester French
- The Neptunes
- The Dream
- Serj Tanakan
- Crystal Castles
- A1 Bassline
- Busy P
- Kid Cudi
- Kanye West
- Common
- Drake
- Lil Wayne
- John Mayor
- Dizzee Rascal
- Kenna
- Joss Stone
- Brandun Deshay
- Super 3
- Tyler the Creator
- Floetry
- Coheed and Cambria
- Steve Aoki
- Lightspeed Champion
- Rye Rye
- The Mars Volta
- Natasha Ramos
- Nicole Atkins
- Andre 3000
- Janelle Monae
- Regina Spektor
- Sam Sparro
- Sergio Mendez
- Mike Skinner
- Example
- Mark Jacobs
- Futura
- Dj Mehdi
- Krazy Baldhead
- Mr. Ozio
- Letherette
- Your Mom
- Jamie Cullum
- Punjabi MC
- Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin
- Verbal
- Wize
- Nigo
- Questlove
- Rod Stewart
- Randy Newman
- Justin from She Wants Revenge
- Kelis
- Curtains
- Supreeme
- Muhsinah
- Amanda Blank
- Klaxons
- Justice
- Wolfmother
- The Ting Tings
- Jack White
- Jason Mraz
- Coldplay
- Colbie Callat
- Mapei
i know its alot, and thats not even in any particular order. lets make it happen. i wont. and Don't let dreams die.
Who I would most appriciate working with, and will eventually:
- Sia
- Vanessa Marquez
- Company of Theives
- Incubus
- Amy winehouse
- Machinedrum
- Melo-x
- Nikki Ntu
- Louis Vuitton
- Hedi Slimane
- Jesse Boykins III
- Theophilus London
- Chester French
- The Neptunes
- The Dream
- Serj Tanakan
- Crystal Castles
- A1 Bassline
- Busy P
- Kid Cudi
- Kanye West
- Common
- Drake
- Lil Wayne
- John Mayor
- Dizzee Rascal
- Kenna
- Joss Stone
- Brandun Deshay
- Super 3
- Tyler the Creator
- Floetry
- Coheed and Cambria
- Steve Aoki
- Lightspeed Champion
- Rye Rye
- The Mars Volta
- Natasha Ramos
- Nicole Atkins
- Andre 3000
- Janelle Monae
- Regina Spektor
- Sam Sparro
- Sergio Mendez
- Mike Skinner
- Example
- Mark Jacobs
- Futura
- Dj Mehdi
- Krazy Baldhead
- Mr. Ozio
- Letherette
- Your Mom
- Jamie Cullum
- Punjabi MC
- Pyaar Koi Khel Nahin
- Verbal
- Wize
- Nigo
- Questlove
- Rod Stewart
- Randy Newman
- Justin from She Wants Revenge
- Kelis
- Curtains
- Supreeme
- Muhsinah
- Amanda Blank
- Klaxons
- Justice
- Wolfmother
- The Ting Tings
- Jack White
- Jason Mraz
- Coldplay
- Colbie Callat
- Mapei
i know its alot, and thats not even in any particular order. lets make it happen. i wont. and Don't let dreams die.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sooo Umm.....Yeeaaaaa
That guy in NRK, that really SHOULDN'T be in NRK(yall mofos know who i'm talking about)
yea, somebody needs to hurry up and kick him out.
1. He hasn't recorded anything.
2. He's not really a benefit to the Krew.
3. He doesn't even chill with us, so he DEFINITELY doesn't fit in.
4. From what i've heard of him, he raps like a mainstream artist, talkin bout mainstream shit, and he's all mainstreamy(yea, i made that up, so what?!), and that's not the sound NRK puts out.
5. He's never involved in ANYTHING we do, and we always leave him out of plans, because he's NOT ONE OF US(and yall know it)
6. MOST IMPORTANTLY: he doesn't know where "boogizaboom" came from.
lmao, ok excluding #6, i'm pretty sure yall agree with the other 5 reasons, so somebody(*cough* eric *cough*) needs to kick his ass out. shit.
boogizaboom. boogizaboom. boogizaboom. boogizaboom.
- JQ
yea, somebody needs to hurry up and kick him out.
1. He hasn't recorded anything.
2. He's not really a benefit to the Krew.
3. He doesn't even chill with us, so he DEFINITELY doesn't fit in.
4. From what i've heard of him, he raps like a mainstream artist, talkin bout mainstream shit, and he's all mainstreamy(yea, i made that up, so what?!), and that's not the sound NRK puts out.
5. He's never involved in ANYTHING we do, and we always leave him out of plans, because he's NOT ONE OF US(and yall know it)
6. MOST IMPORTANTLY: he doesn't know where "boogizaboom" came from.
lmao, ok excluding #6, i'm pretty sure yall agree with the other 5 reasons, so somebody(*cough* eric *cough*) needs to kick his ass out. shit.
boogizaboom. boogizaboom. boogizaboom. boogizaboom.
- JQ
Monday, June 1, 2009
its just like. its just like a minimawl
Next bandits release : THE GOODWILL MIXTAPE (no release date at the moment)
however in the meantime, JQ is doing work, litterally and not just in big black terminology. we recorded a new song today, extra dope. but umm back ontopic (oh the song is on jq's page btw : fall down on me) but yea. ok. so while you wait for the mixtape to tide you over and to build hype we will be releasing a few promo songs using non-nrk beats throughout the summer. and GOODWILL will be produced entirely by us
1st song released: "closed eyes" go to the music page and bump that shit. then download it.....then bump that shit again........then burn it to a cd or ur ipod....then bump that shit to the third nigga.
however in the meantime, JQ is doing work, litterally and not just in big black terminology. we recorded a new song today, extra dope. but umm back ontopic (oh the song is on jq's page btw : fall down on me) but yea. ok. so while you wait for the mixtape to tide you over and to build hype we will be releasing a few promo songs using non-nrk beats throughout the summer. and GOODWILL will be produced entirely by us
1st song released: "closed eyes" go to the music page and bump that shit. then download it.....then bump that shit again........then burn it to a cd or ur ipod....then bump that shit to the third nigga.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Anoraak-Nightdrive with you EP
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The deal is if The Bandits is signed..... Thats it
Yall niggas on NRK prolly, maybe get signed
Only if we make Nada Rec. a recording label
-The Original
P.S. That new Bandits wear Hahahah
More verses
For that mixtape coming out
Be ready
Be set
And Go cause i'm gonna be on a lot of songs
-The Original
Monday, May 11, 2009
Grum Nllr Mixtape

Let me just say this is the best mixtape I heard
Its like Techno and Disco
Every song is good
They use just about every element you can use in a mixtape
And they took advantage of the mixtape rule
And the Last song
Its so good that I'm gonna have to wake up each day and listen to it to start off the morning
For an hour and 8 minutes its good
-The Original
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Why So Many Posts Today?
I got Graphic Design today
And we got 2 hour periods
But 3 Classes
And There is Nada to do
So yeah
-The Original
And we got 2 hour periods
But 3 Classes
And There is Nada to do
So yeah
-The Original
I'm aratticate just like a ratticate
And i'm playing games and going ape like its ape escape
So fuck your unicorns and fuck all your havidens
Cause i ride on dinos ridin' on 24 inch land bins
So fuck em' all were the future
OF shirts around my neck like I'm wearing Creature
Chrome in my pocket so you know I have a solution
Killin' more niggas than the eco by polution
And you know I cant be having that
So simple, just like O' Mally cat
Still broken just like my DS
But still fucked up like my last hat
And dont ask where I'm at
Fuck the churp cause I'll be heel flippin' where I'm at
Just like the club, we're slipin' in
Yall are the out crowd but we're just in
-The Original
And i'm playing games and going ape like its ape escape
So fuck your unicorns and fuck all your havidens
Cause i ride on dinos ridin' on 24 inch land bins
So fuck em' all were the future
OF shirts around my neck like I'm wearing Creature
Chrome in my pocket so you know I have a solution
Killin' more niggas than the eco by polution
And you know I cant be having that
So simple, just like O' Mally cat
Still broken just like my DS
But still fucked up like my last hat
And dont ask where I'm at
Fuck the churp cause I'll be heel flippin' where I'm at
Just like the club, we're slipin' in
Yall are the out crowd but we're just in
-The Original
Lets go simple like training wheels on a bike
She can ride my handle bars as i ride through the night
And its like who will even notice as I
Look at my tattoo watch that says midnight
And while she still on her intervention we can
Ride through sectors while I get my mention
There's no pending and this girl name Pendleton
She want me to be classy so she call me Benjamin
Who's arratic and who's aucratic
They be asking all these questions while i talk to this girl name Madix
So why go hand in hand while we
Can just sit back and hit up the Band Stand
And I have them girls hand fed while
I have them boys looking like a K fed fan
And its feels like the world is in my hand
Cause you know I'm in the fuckin' Band
-The Original
She can ride my handle bars as i ride through the night
And its like who will even notice as I
Look at my tattoo watch that says midnight
And while she still on her intervention we can
Ride through sectors while I get my mention
There's no pending and this girl name Pendleton
She want me to be classy so she call me Benjamin
Who's arratic and who's aucratic
They be asking all these questions while i talk to this girl name Madix
So why go hand in hand while we
Can just sit back and hit up the Band Stand
And I have them girls hand fed while
I have them boys looking like a K fed fan
And its feels like the world is in my hand
Cause you know I'm in the fuckin' Band
-The Original
Clothing list
I'm Gonna be startin' it
And The Good Stuff
-The Original
And The Good Stuff
-The Original
Who Needs One?
Who Wants One?
Who Got One?
Let me just say i'm under one of those categories
Let Me Say I need Money to buy stuff
Stuff I Want
Stuff I Need
Stuff I Want
-The Original
Who Wants One?
Who Got One?
Let me just say i'm under one of those categories
Let Me Say I need Money to buy stuff
Stuff I Want
Stuff I Need
Stuff I Want
-The Original
We're going to be performing at this Devin's Party
If you dont know him
Your Fucked Up
And about the mixtape
Lets just say its gonna be a MIXtape
-The Original
If you dont know him
Your Fucked Up
And about the mixtape
Lets just say its gonna be a MIXtape
-The Original
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
To all "Bandits"
THE PLAN: (derived from the humble minds of proper and retro)
-No solo mixtapes at the moment (dosnt apply to everyone in NRK).
-We're putting out ONE bandits mixtape....note word mixtape, not EP, so we can use other peoples songs also, and it'll be free. in order to build up a bigger fanbase. we know what we want, so we shouldnt let shit hold us back from acheiving that
-the mixtape'll showcase all aspects of what we do, insted of overly mainstreamed like the old demo
-More shows during the summer. push the mixtape like crazy.
-every millisecond of everysong has to be on point, like if a verse or beat is lame that shit will be scrapped, remade, or rewritten.
-atleast 4 people on everysong. or involvement in someway by everyone.
-there WILL be a second demo. but more focused. sometime nxt year or at the end of this year.
-oh and were getting fucking letterman jackets lol :)
-push the shit out of JQ's mixtape lol
-more shows
-more parties
"lets get this shit McStarted breh."
-No solo mixtapes at the moment (dosnt apply to everyone in NRK).
-We're putting out ONE bandits mixtape....note word mixtape, not EP, so we can use other peoples songs also, and it'll be free. in order to build up a bigger fanbase. we know what we want, so we shouldnt let shit hold us back from acheiving that
-the mixtape'll showcase all aspects of what we do, insted of overly mainstreamed like the old demo
-More shows during the summer. push the mixtape like crazy.
-every millisecond of everysong has to be on point, like if a verse or beat is lame that shit will be scrapped, remade, or rewritten.
-atleast 4 people on everysong. or involvement in someway by everyone.
-there WILL be a second demo. but more focused. sometime nxt year or at the end of this year.
-oh and were getting fucking letterman jackets lol :)
-push the shit out of JQ's mixtape lol
-more shows
-more parties
"lets get this shit McStarted breh."
And about that Super 3 and The Bandits colab.
Its not gonna happen soon
Like i had a Hook and i was starting on a verse
All he had to do is make the beat
Get the back up singers
And get The Bandits to rap on it
It would have been good
But you know they still got other EPs and Mixtapes
Its good though
We'll hit them up later
-The Original
Like i had a Hook and i was starting on a verse
All he had to do is make the beat
Get the back up singers
And get The Bandits to rap on it
It would have been good
But you know they still got other EPs and Mixtapes
Its good though
We'll hit them up later
-The Original
The Ocelot nllr Mixtape
Monday, May 4, 2009
What i didn't know
Steve-O is a straight up drug attic
I watched that Demise and Rise
It is crazy the things he did and done
Like Damn
Anything he can get his hands on
And Damn again
-The Original
I watched that Demise and Rise
It is crazy the things he did and done
Like Damn
Anything he can get his hands on
And Damn again
-The Original
The Dim Mak: What the hell is a Dim Mak mixtape
Bloody Beetroots Nllr Mixtape
The Super D3shay EP
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Lacrosse Banquet
Its this saturday
Aka tommorow
Me and 2 people can come
Food and shit
What else can you ask for
-The Original
Aka tommorow
Me and 2 people can come
Food and shit
What else can you ask for
-The Original
Thursday, April 30, 2009
since, everyone else is freestyling...
Not every verse is gon be purfect, but its worth it, i admit its a gift and a curse that, is bestowed upon the greatest, even in that, im the latest of the leaders of the future of the game, mary jane, purple haze like hendrix, on some revalon lipstic, meaning that im long lasting, lyrically and phsycally, so crunchitize me captain, my current scenery is boring me, they say ask not what you can get, but what you can do. well i aint did shit but chill's why im extra blue, and by that i mean the verses which are icey cool, on the rocks, under tops of umbrella. ella ella ay, nigga rizin like a higtop fade, and if the sky is the limit my residence is in space, im a change on some obama shit, my range like the omnitrix, cart full of rappers that a bag like dominix, jewels. because my groceries in diamonds, chuckin up the duce like the heimlich, i gient, of the colassus, cant a damn nigga stop us, never sleepin on the job, cant a dant nigga clock us, im cold. like war but i wont De Taunt, and my swagger stays on can't turn me off
- proper
- proper
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I Found It
My remix to Popin' Tricks Like Blake Hasty
If wanted idk
I'll prolly send it somewhere
-The Original
If wanted idk
I'll prolly send it somewhere
-The Original
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Got Bored. Found An Instrumental. So On And So Forth.
All off the dome, but that should be evident, seeing as how i messed up so much. lol. But hey, what'd ya expect, its a fuckin freestyle bitch, so enjoy it...............please? :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
old ass computer
i got thet dell opti plex 1 wit 3 gigs of hard drive space .and still making beast ass beats .and major deals...jk lolim not kidding about the fuking beats tho
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
KC Freestyle (May Be Used If Good)
i run through full speed makin track moves
stay serious bitch its only cuz im known to act a fool
fuck a tool
ill fix yall niggas my god damn self
so i suggest you lames keep your asses on the fuckin shelf
fuck a pussy kill a rookie easy
my raps give inspiration but bitch im not jeezy
i rock like mikey
fuck around in cali get shot like in the 90s
fine me bitch
im moving reckless as it is
i hit you with the banger even strangers know the kid
KC a loser
but i win lupes the cool then i am the cooler
which means im ice cold
i dont wear ice though but im rich enough to kill you fags
stay serious bitch its only cuz im known to act a fool
fuck a tool
ill fix yall niggas my god damn self
so i suggest you lames keep your asses on the fuckin shelf
fuck a pussy kill a rookie easy
my raps give inspiration but bitch im not jeezy
i rock like mikey
fuck around in cali get shot like in the 90s
fine me bitch
im moving reckless as it is
i hit you with the banger even strangers know the kid
KC a loser
but i win lupes the cool then i am the cooler
which means im ice cold
i dont wear ice though but im rich enough to kill you fags
Saturday, April 18, 2009
download the demo
with 7 bonus remixes and instrumentals
also check out the youtube page:
.....and breh. we need more pictures on here, lol...this words only shit is getting kinda lame lol
also check out the youtube page:
.....and breh. we need more pictures on here, lol...this words only shit is getting kinda lame lol
Since Juwan's beastin the blog with freestyles
Why not :)
& I'm like:
Flow colder than Santa's home, but hotter than Satan
Spittin crack off the dome, and not the one the Falcons play in
Niggas talk about guns when Old Spice is the only thing they sprayin
Dummy, I'm a known heavyweight WITHOUT the weigh-in
Stay in, your mothafuckin place, for i put you in it
Your yearly round income for me, takes a minute
And as soon as i get it, i spend it
On some SB Dunks, vintage tees and some shades, slightly tented
To all you cocky niggas, i can take ALL of your chicks
And make em slide down my pipe on some Super Mario shit
And i hate fake niggas who KNOW they ain't never been real
And niggas in my way get swiftly wiped from my windsheild
I am the sickest lyricist you pussies will ever fuckin see
If the hills have eyes, best believe they lookin up to ME
My soul's achin, so i zone out to music to make the pain lower
I'm like a controller: push my buttons wrong and its GAME OVER
..............shit, i might have to use that on a song lol
& I'm like:
Flow colder than Santa's home, but hotter than Satan
Spittin crack off the dome, and not the one the Falcons play in
Niggas talk about guns when Old Spice is the only thing they sprayin
Dummy, I'm a known heavyweight WITHOUT the weigh-in
Stay in, your mothafuckin place, for i put you in it
Your yearly round income for me, takes a minute
And as soon as i get it, i spend it
On some SB Dunks, vintage tees and some shades, slightly tented
To all you cocky niggas, i can take ALL of your chicks
And make em slide down my pipe on some Super Mario shit
And i hate fake niggas who KNOW they ain't never been real
And niggas in my way get swiftly wiped from my windsheild
I am the sickest lyricist you pussies will ever fuckin see
If the hills have eyes, best believe they lookin up to ME
My soul's achin, so i zone out to music to make the pain lower
I'm like a controller: push my buttons wrong and its GAME OVER
..............shit, i might have to use that on a song lol
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Time is thrusting me out of this complete
My love life have went sour but i will eat something sweet
my heart beat, beats on a music tempo
no metronome, but i still love a special girl
a girl that can rock my world knowing i'm a rocker
playing rock em' sock em' robots knowing i will sop her
but still, there is no one that can stop her
cause love is influating like infuenza on a copter
i was influxed until i finally knew her name
like roses and petal, she playing me like a game
cause love knew a lost cause has no name
she was a nidoqueen killing me with a giga drain
and i was a nidoking inspired by my throne
but i still have these other pokemon that wont leave me alone
and i'm still thinkin' about that girl on my mind
and tick tock went the clock when the clock struck 5 Bandits
-The Original
My love life have went sour but i will eat something sweet
my heart beat, beats on a music tempo
no metronome, but i still love a special girl
a girl that can rock my world knowing i'm a rocker
playing rock em' sock em' robots knowing i will sop her
but still, there is no one that can stop her
cause love is influating like infuenza on a copter
i was influxed until i finally knew her name
like roses and petal, she playing me like a game
cause love knew a lost cause has no name
she was a nidoqueen killing me with a giga drain
and i was a nidoking inspired by my throne
but i still have these other pokemon that wont leave me alone
and i'm still thinkin' about that girl on my mind
and tick tock went the clock when the clock struck 5 Bandits
-The Original
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
just so its understUUd....
i am playing football next season. but im still gonna be doing music. period
its still NRK all day.
If anyone got beats....
i got verses.
all of NRK knows i work my ass off and will do any song at anytime and kill it.
just send me the beat.
The Anime(just need to narrow down the beats and start writing for them)
Proper's Mixtape
JQ's Rap mixtape & 808's & Qness lol j/k (JQ's love mixtape)
MellowCool mixtape
Don Chronicles
and of course the next NRK Mixtape
we are trying to get all of them out before summer ends but who knows. everyone is collabing.duh
hm....looks like its gonna be a NRK summer HaHaHaHaHaHa!!
its still NRK all day.
If anyone got beats....
i got verses.
all of NRK knows i work my ass off and will do any song at anytime and kill it.
just send me the beat.
The Anime(just need to narrow down the beats and start writing for them)
Proper's Mixtape
JQ's Rap mixtape & 808's & Qness lol j/k (JQ's love mixtape)
MellowCool mixtape
Don Chronicles
and of course the next NRK Mixtape
we are trying to get all of them out before summer ends but who knows. everyone is collabing.duh
hm....looks like its gonna be a NRK summer HaHaHaHaHaHa!!
Nada Rec mothafuckin Krew
i ain't dead.
jus been M.I.A. for awhile.
mixtape still underway.
Proper and KC, get at me ASAP so we can get these tracks that are already written recorded.
Word to your grandmother's daughter.
jus been M.I.A. for awhile.
mixtape still underway.
Proper and KC, get at me ASAP so we can get these tracks that are already written recorded.
Word to your grandmother's daughter.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Plot and Conclusions
So old
We need to remake
I need to start makin' more verses
And i need to get out of the rutt
-The Original
We need to remake
I need to start makin' more verses
And i need to get out of the rutt
-The Original
The Bandits
We pushin' the demo to everyone
I'm passin' out business cards
And i'm givin' it to people to give out
We passin' out demo cd's
If they dont know The Bandits now they will soon know
-The Original
I'm passin' out business cards
And i'm givin' it to people to give out
We passin' out demo cd's
If they dont know The Bandits now they will soon know
-The Original
Wall Street Wear
A site for hypebeasts, fastionist, and fiends.
It takes long to get a invitation but i got one.
Took like a month but its worth it.
But notice its a beta site(new site).
-The Original
It takes long to get a invitation but i got one.
Took like a month but its worth it.
But notice its a beta site(new site).
-The Original
Jv Lacrosse season ends april 18
I know The Bandits ready for it to end so we can get on track
-The Original
-The Original
Thursday, April 9, 2009
KC Is Focused On...
Pushing the demo...
Writing to The Anime...
building a mini-studio...
continuing to beast on xbox live...
NOT school i don't give a fuck anymore...
smirking when made fun of...
and girls...well they don't require focus now do they?
his kool-aid making skills...
Fuck You! Have A Phenomenal Day!
Writing to The Anime...
building a mini-studio...
continuing to beast on xbox live...
NOT school i don't give a fuck anymore...
smirking when made fun of...
and girls...well they don't require focus now do they?
his kool-aid making skills...
Fuck You! Have A Phenomenal Day!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Proper is....
focused on:
writing verses (for frankie mo's mixtape, aumbiionce, and the "a very proper mixtape" mixtape)
passing 11th grade
learning guitar
getting up on my soccer skills (to pull mad hispanic chicks if i make the team)
not focused on:
petty bitches, and women who dont want boyfriends or have "love epiphanies"
goodnight :)
writing verses (for frankie mo's mixtape, aumbiionce, and the "a very proper mixtape" mixtape)
passing 11th grade
learning guitar
getting up on my soccer skills (to pull mad hispanic chicks if i make the team)
not focused on:
petty bitches, and women who dont want boyfriends or have "love epiphanies"
goodnight :)
Rob fucking roy
Rob Roy "Fur In My Cap" Director: Ethan Lader from ethandirector on Vimeo.
heavy outkast influence?
d. proper
Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
i almost forgot how amazing this woman used to be
- D. Proper.

- D. Proper.
first performance
retropunk, p.flim, the original, donell proper, and adlive murdock killed shit. :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
this is on some OLD kelis shit
like neptunes era. but real talk both kelis and janelle are amazing artist, they never cease to amaze me
breh. dude killed it.
here's the original if you've been living under a rock.
google the making of this song, damn near eargasm.
- proper.
niggas get shot up 'round these parts bromar
condiment gun......yes its real.
- proper.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
this is like my new favorite show now, lol
the IT crowd. its on ifc every tuesday at 11. youtube it
Monday, March 2, 2009
Guess who's back with a vengence
blowblack dragon backin' up at the entrance
on my hamtaro shit like niggas on rocker scenes
like niggas on rocker scenes like niggas with tight jeans
she want me to be a nerd i be like N.E.R.D
she wants me to b myself, i'll be as gloomy can be
and you know we go together like twine
i do the same shit but in interior design
go giga at the start
and i have you sayin' my name, guess what its The Original
i change my mind like a girl change clothes
i say you change your mind like a pimp changes hoes
sayin' shit that everyone nose
no my shit, but yours, still my heart throws
like an old dude sellin' caps
i pull out my gat, make niggas take dirt naps
-The Original
blowblack dragon backin' up at the entrance
on my hamtaro shit like niggas on rocker scenes
like niggas on rocker scenes like niggas with tight jeans
she want me to be a nerd i be like N.E.R.D
she wants me to b myself, i'll be as gloomy can be
and you know we go together like twine
i do the same shit but in interior design
go giga at the start
and i have you sayin' my name, guess what its The Original
i change my mind like a girl change clothes
i say you change your mind like a pimp changes hoes
sayin' shit that everyone nose
no my shit, but yours, still my heart throws
like an old dude sellin' caps
i pull out my gat, make niggas take dirt naps
-The Original
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Vh1 Storytellers: Kanye
everything about the performance was amazing. seriously one of the most inspirational things ive recently watched. see for yourself, here's the link:
KANYE: RE-RECORD 808's & HEARTBREAK COMPLETELY LIVE, every song sounded so much more personal and even damn near epic
no rider
- proper.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
We should do a cypher at school one day and get it on camera.
That'd be pretty dope to me.
Just an idea.
That'd be pretty dope to me.
Just an idea.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
New Name..
the new name of fresh elite is MellowCool
it was going to be Mellow With A Hint Of Cool but Kev said it was too long on his ipod and left "...." lol
so what do yall think?
it was going to be Mellow With A Hint Of Cool but Kev said it was too long on his ipod and left "...." lol
so what do yall think?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Tons Of Info
i released a couple tracks from the cd i'm coming out with.
only has one song with words(or does it)
some things are still indefinite, but is due
to be released after The Bandits V3: The Demo
it's mainly some mellow shit, mainly for people who
just feel like vibing sometimes. no words.....(except for 1 or 2 maybe)
just ambience.
the Intro Before An Intro is on my page, for the lazy people,
www. myspace. com/daerriah
It's the one i'm rapping on.
the other track is on my music page, Kash, which is:
www. myspace. com/kashcolektuh
again, for the lazy.
so yeah, here's a list of projects with bandits involved.
in order by release
The Bandits V3: The Demo(The Bandits)
If My Life Were A Kick An A Pad(Kash)
The Anime(KC 2.
0, Retro Punk, Proper)
JQ Mixtape(prod.
mainly by The Bandits)
JaDe Mixtape(prod.
by NRK composers mostly i'm guessing)
oh yea shouts to Sasha.
heard she fired her manager.
and uhhh
oh yeah i don't feel like working with anyone outside of NRK
unless i ask you.
so don't ask me please
you seem really lame.
and don't ask me for beats your not getting jack, from any of us....
and yea that's it.
I'm gonna play xbox now.
Gamertag: Kash4rmFuture
i'm a nerd. loser who wins fuck you.
only has one song with words(or does it)
some things are still indefinite, but is due
to be released after The Bandits V3: The Demo
it's mainly some mellow shit, mainly for people who
just feel like vibing sometimes. no words.....(except for 1 or 2 maybe)
just ambience.
the Intro Before An Intro is on my page, for the lazy people,
www. myspace. com/daerriah
It's the one i'm rapping on.
the other track is on my music page, Kash, which is:
www. myspace. com/kashcolektuh
again, for the lazy.
so yeah, here's a list of projects with bandits involved.
in order by release
The Bandits V3: The Demo(The Bandits)
If My Life Were A Kick An A Pad(Kash)
The Anime(KC 2.
0, Retro Punk, Proper)
JQ Mixtape(prod.
mainly by The Bandits)
JaDe Mixtape(prod.
by NRK composers mostly i'm guessing)
oh yea shouts to Sasha.
heard she fired her manager.
and uhhh
oh yeah i don't feel like working with anyone outside of NRK
unless i ask you.
so don't ask me please
you seem really lame.
and don't ask me for beats your not getting jack, from any of us....
and yea that's it.
I'm gonna play xbox now.
Gamertag: Kash4rmFuture
i'm a nerd. loser who wins fuck you.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Some written freestyle
I'm odd but yet she's even
pretties girl i seen this weekend
power puff girl, on a skate, in the whirl
different than a wroughty ruff boy in this world
so imaginitive, so go-giga
i'm so hi-tech so i need to configure
i change so we go phase to fade
bit beast on my top just like a beyblade
fuck a panzer and a dragoon, i get a fucking dranzer
no mutations but i'm a fuckin' monster
my time is trucker, and i'm so unlucky
luck came a drifting when your bitch said fuck me
she wasn't playin' and i was so serious
then i was out of luck and life was so mischievous
then tick-tock went the bomb
but no one heard it because of the silent alarm
-The Original
pretties girl i seen this weekend
power puff girl, on a skate, in the whirl
different than a wroughty ruff boy in this world
so imaginitive, so go-giga
i'm so hi-tech so i need to configure
i change so we go phase to fade
bit beast on my top just like a beyblade
fuck a panzer and a dragoon, i get a fucking dranzer
no mutations but i'm a fuckin' monster
my time is trucker, and i'm so unlucky
luck came a drifting when your bitch said fuck me
she wasn't playin' and i was so serious
then i was out of luck and life was so mischievous
then tick-tock went the bomb
but no one heard it because of the silent alarm
-The Original
demo status
so im doing this from my phone in class lol. but umm. the demo.....its been taking a really long time. i wontget into details as to why exactly...but the final songs will be: prom date, bangers (which we still have to redo), the intro, kiss ass, and another song we've yet to even make yet. the other songs just dont have that instant "bang" but we will release shit like more please, to my knots and some other stuff as a mini mixtape. but they wont go on the actual demo.........Proper (via phone) :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentines Day Rap
Sittin' home, in a meadow, thinking about a fawn
so i got up, and got some wild roses up out the lawn
boxes of chocolates and a vase of doves
crows are the last thing i will think about this endless love
so i'm on the comp, on the hop, writting a gloomy poem
remembering the days that i was so love sick
i'm a virus, and i'm infected
infectious by these mellow colors that be pink and red
i'm so bearish that i'm so away from non-fiction
nada left on my mind but space and a coalition
a drugish vision and a broken skateboard tart
love in my soul like a broken skatebord heart
i kick push for days until i'm at a perfect space
thinking about nothing but my drifter and a broken lace
but i still got a rose in my hand like kurama got whips
i'll end this day with blood on my claws and a finger on her lips
-The Original
so i got up, and got some wild roses up out the lawn
boxes of chocolates and a vase of doves
crows are the last thing i will think about this endless love
so i'm on the comp, on the hop, writting a gloomy poem
remembering the days that i was so love sick
i'm a virus, and i'm infected
infectious by these mellow colors that be pink and red
i'm so bearish that i'm so away from non-fiction
nada left on my mind but space and a coalition
a drugish vision and a broken skateboard tart
love in my soul like a broken skatebord heart
i kick push for days until i'm at a perfect space
thinking about nothing but my drifter and a broken lace
but i still got a rose in my hand like kurama got whips
i'll end this day with blood on my claws and a finger on her lips
-The Original
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New Dim Mak
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
New Kicks!!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Not to jock JQ but....
this is what ive been listening to lately....what nigga!!!!
sam cooke - she was only sixteen
the temptations - earth angel (remake)
anything melo-x
sia - soon we'll be found / the girl you lost to cocaine
chester french - she loves everybody / the sister song
anything sergio mendes and the brazil 66
the bandits
anything kings of leon
n.e.r.d. - in search of... / fly or die (albums)
old neptunes shit
anything bone thugz n harmony
cut off your hands - oh girl
sam sparro - black and gold / too many questions
almost anything regina spektor
anything hall & oates
dizzee rascal/t2/jme (and a bunch of UK garage and rap)
anything Tyler the creator / ace the creator / odd future
- proper :)
sam cooke - she was only sixteen
the temptations - earth angel (remake)
anything melo-x
sia - soon we'll be found / the girl you lost to cocaine
chester french - she loves everybody / the sister song
anything sergio mendes and the brazil 66
the bandits
anything kings of leon
n.e.r.d. - in search of... / fly or die (albums)
old neptunes shit
anything bone thugz n harmony
cut off your hands - oh girl
sam sparro - black and gold / too many questions
almost anything regina spektor
anything hall & oates
dizzee rascal/t2/jme (and a bunch of UK garage and rap)
anything Tyler the creator / ace the creator / odd future
- proper :)
we've been watching these for a while so its only right i put them here.
Friday, February 6, 2009
What JQ's Mostly Likely Listening To When You See Him
Loser - Charles Hamilton
Pleasent Overthinking - Charles Hamilton
Lift Off - JQ ft. RetroPunk
Anything by KiD CuDi (screw you Proper and Retro lol)
Super Smash Bros. - The Bandits
Prom Date - The Bandits
Bangers - The Bandits
More Please - The Bandits
It's Over - John Legend ft. Kanye West
Teriya-Kings - Teriyaki Boys ft. Kanye West
ANYTHING By Lupe Fiasco
808s & Heartbreak
Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz
DARE - Gorillaz
El Manana - Gorillaz
Rock The House - Gorillaz
Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
Dirty Harry - Gorillaz
The Sounder - Gorillaz
- JQ
Pleasent Overthinking - Charles Hamilton
Lift Off - JQ ft. RetroPunk
Anything by KiD CuDi (screw you Proper and Retro lol)
Super Smash Bros. - The Bandits
Prom Date - The Bandits
Bangers - The Bandits
More Please - The Bandits
It's Over - John Legend ft. Kanye West
Teriya-Kings - Teriyaki Boys ft. Kanye West
ANYTHING By Lupe Fiasco
808s & Heartbreak
Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz
DARE - Gorillaz
El Manana - Gorillaz
Rock The House - Gorillaz
Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
Dirty Harry - Gorillaz
The Sounder - Gorillaz
- JQ
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
untill whenever the fuck we want to put it out. 3 songs left. prom date is the first single. be expecting shows and shit in the upcoming months.
other shit to watch out for:
- anime mixtape (fresh elite/kash/proper)
- jq's mixtape
- the demo
- fresh elite school day mixtape
other shit to watch out for:
- anime mixtape (fresh elite/kash/proper)
- jq's mixtape
- the demo
- fresh elite school day mixtape
damn, i nearly forgot how good these movies were
if you can find it this movie is batman beyond dope. the prequil to it (2001:a space odyssey) is really good too
and this movie was just amazing
theres alot more but im drawing a blank
-hal :)
mad funny
...and this has to be the best video out at the moment (i really really want to do a song like this or atleast with them)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ron Brownz
Ok is it me, or does ALL of Ron Brownz's music sound the same?? That shit is so fuckin annoying. I can't be the only dude on the planet who hates "Pop Champagne." And speaking of that garbage ass song, it sounds almost IDENTICAL to the equally garbage ass "Arab Money." If this is what the industry is turning into, then NRK needs to get discovered QUICK.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Fuckin' Bandits And Fuckin' NRK. Fuck.
So, let me verify a few things. I know that if your on this blog you probably know the damn difference by now, but the music is the issue. NRK Mixtape was the first real cd we ever released and wasn't really a "Bandits" thing. The Bandits are extremely more open and non-average. We toned down some on the NRK Mixtape for mass appeal purposes, but we don't give a fuck now lol. Either you like The Bandits, or not. But yeah, Fuck It/That/You.
Monday, January 26, 2009
well, supra's take on the famous, sought after jordan v colorway. still a dope shoe, a must cop in my book, agree?

Saturday, January 24, 2009
wtf? whatever, i dont even care anymore, as long as they keep fading and end up like this or better then im good.

oh......kanye's hightop louie v. sneaks are dope :)

- proper
oh......kanye's hightop louie v. sneaks are dope :)
- proper
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Quick update on the demo
alls well.....i think. ok, so apparently to one person, the v3 demo dosnt have that same bang/effect/vibe or whatever that the nrk mixtape had. i know that was just one person but for that, when it drops they'll be more ppl that think the same. the whole point we tried to get across was we know it would be different, but we were hoping it would be for the better. the thing is, i would normally defend my work and so would eric, paul, jalen and juwan, but ive also noticed that theres something missing....idk what it is. hopefully we figure it out, this weeken we're re-recording prom date and the hook for more please. individually i think the songs sound better, and are better from an instrumental and lyrical standpoint but somethings missing.........duces. 1 and 2
-the bandits
-the bandits
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Shit that goes hard and will continue to go hard in 2009
new cassette playa (wasnt a fan of the older stuff, they've toned it down a bit this time)
not really a fan of Burberry, but these two looks from the 2009 a/w prorsum line are dope.
the new season 8, bbc and ice cream lines (im sorry but they have been pretty much pathetic since season 3, and thats being nice, but this season is slightly better...but where are the new boutique creams at? wtf pharrel?)
OLD DIOR HOMME (i know this is a pic from the new line) but i miss the days when hedi used to design for them, dior has lost its original flair and fat that i originally liked)
oh and APC denim, LANVIN, SUPRA NS, KR3W NS, and JORDAN still and always will go hard
if u have the money (which i rarely do) these are pretty dope, fuck coogi and dickies nigga step up ur fashion game.
oh.....and i still hate the word swag.
-hal "donell proper"
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